So You Think You Can Squat
The myth, the man....the Alan Jackson.
I'm going to let you in on a secret: I hate squatting.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Blame it on the fact that I'm on the taller side (long levers and squatting don't always get along), but the "king of lower body lifts" just doesn't have a special place in my heart anymore.
However, I realize that squatting still has an important place in any program as it's a fundamental human movement. And even though I may not love to squat, you need to train your weaknesses, along with your strengths.
While there are many nuances in the squat, there are usually three main corrections I speak about below that improve most people's squatting woes. Hopefully they can turn around your squats as well, so that instead of dreading this great movement, it'll be transformed into an Alan Jackson-esque good time.
I can't tell you how many times someone has told me that they hurt their knees by squatting, or that they can't squat because they have bad knees. After reviewing how to properly squat (and usually a few well-timed cues), everyone I've ever coached has been able to do some type of squatting variation without pain.
And, if your knees are still aching after a set of squats, it's time to heed the advice of famous strength coach Dan John: "Squatting doesn't hurt your knees....what you're doing hurts your knees."
With that said, I hope you were able to pick up a few things or just reinforce what you've already been doing. Instead of dreading this movement, it's my dream that your time spent squatting will seem a bit more like this: