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The Only Constants? PRs and Changes

If you've noticed I haven't been writing much lately - and judging from my web analytics, you haven't - you would be correct.  With only four blog posts through the last two months, it's fair to assume that my supply of humor (and intelligence) have finally been depleted. But self deprecating humor aside, the reason for the slowdown is because Lindsay and I are in the midst of a few life changes.

No, nothing that crazy.  But we are moving to Raleigh, North Carolina in just about a week. Lindsay has accepted a teaching position at NC State, in their Food and Nutrition Science department.  This comes on the heels of Lindsay successfully defending her dissertation two weeks ago, finishing her PhD program at Tufts in only 3 1/2 years.  I couldn't be prouder of her and I'm looking forward to writing "Mr. and Dr. Tanskey" on any wedding RSVPs.


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Making the Case for Heart Rate Based "Running"

Rather than a strength or physical preparation coach, I've recently taken to calling myself a "systems analyst."  I didn't come up with the term - it's borrowed from Dr. Stuart McGill - and I don't have the huevos to say it at a social gathering.  But it's always fun to pretend in the land of the internet.

Analyzing systems captures how I approach movement, conditioning, strength, and goals. Breaking down large topics to biomechanics, biology, and how it's all one big system, is usually met with positive feedback (even if it comes with a few "Office Space" jokes). But what's the one topic that tends to meet the most resistance?  How to increase one's running ability, because it's counter to what most people think.  

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Rethinking the Single Leg Deadlift

As you know, I have a love/hate relationship with "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette."  I love how sane and civil the contestants make me feel, but I hate how I can't. stop. watching it.  And by the way, the newest season premiered this past Monday and I'm currently tied with my wife in our fantasy league.

Yes, it exists.

But many of you don't know that I have the same love/hate relationship with single leg deadlifts.

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The Not-So-Secret Secrets to Reaching Goals

April was a fun month.  

Aside from my beloved New York Yankees currently sitting in first place, I competed in the Tactical Strength Challenge on April 8th. The event is made up of a max deadlift, strict bodyweight pull-ups, and a 5 minute kettlebell snatch test.  Anyone who competes deserves respect and in the immortal words of Ice Cube, "it was a good day."

I was fortunate to hit a new personal record on the deadlift at 556 pounds, but kept some gas in the tank for the other two events. Still, it was good enough for the 8th heaviest deadlift in my division.

A few hours later, I clocked in with 139 kettlebell snatches in 5 minutes - also a personal record.  This performance was even better than my deadlift, as I placed 5th on snatches and #9 overall in the Men's Open.  And in true egalitarian fashion, you don't receive anything for how you perform, just a pat on the back.

But last week, I finally conquered the one goal that's been haunting my dreams (only 50% joking) - I finally pressed The Beast.

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How to NOT Suck: Avoid These 4 Common Fitness Mistakes

I guess you can say I'm feeling nostalgic. And perhaps a bit click-baity.

This is my fifth year in the strength and conditioning industry and it feels like it's flown. But I can't stop thinking back to my naive, younger self, who worked in marketing, and thought he knew everything when it came to exercise.  He made a lot of mistakes and hated reality - because it always slapped him square in the face.

So consider everything below as part memoir and part road map for success.  Enjoy!

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